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raftari restaurant


raftari restaurant

execution date


project site

Heravy, Tida Center

The all-aluminum movable roof project of Behabari restaurant located in the Tida Center complex with an area of 150 square meters, which uses aluminum, provides an attractive and special atmosphere, which was implemented by Bam Tech's engineering team.


One of the most well-known chalukbabis in Iran is the behavioral chalukbab. Each and every member of the restaurant with pride and love tries to see you with your family and be your host because they consider themselves a good trustee so that you always leave your heart and come back to get it again and again.


Aluminum movable roof

Aluminum movable roofs are in the category of strong and resistant roofs. They are all aluminum and in addition to beauty, they are resistant to pressure. Another distinctive feature of this type of structure is that it is built with a light shade and retractable roof. The material used in this structure is aluminum blades that can rotate. These blades are strong and protect the roof.

Relying on Iranian experts and according to international standards, Bam Tek collection has all the necessary facilities to produce according to your order.

Photo Gallery
raftari restaurant

Comments from our customers

I recommend the quality of Bamtech's work and products to all business owners who need a movable roof.

2 The name of the manager of the business owner

I recommend the quality of Bamtech's work and products to all business owners who need a movable roof.

2 The name of the manager of the business owner

I recommend the quality of Bamtech's work and products to all business owners who need a movable roof.

3 The name of the manager of the business owner

A roof at your discretion

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